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Houndshow 2009 Critique

To receive a judging appointment for the Hound Show is more than just an appointment to judge. And when you are invited to judge Deerhounds at the Hound Show you are really honoured. Thank you all for coming and entering at the Deerhound Club Championship Show. It was a great event, and from my point of view the weather was ok. And I do hope that it was also alright for you and your hounds that we moved outside. As usual the Deerhound exhibitors were friendly and kind. In the younger male classes I saw too many weak fronts; too weak pasterns; toeing out one side or on both sides. Overall I noticed that some dogs had a lighter eye than hazel and some ears looked anything else but Greyhound-like. This might be of minor interest, but a typical head is rather important as this is the icing on the cake that makes a winner. Only a few exhibits were lacking in weight and on the other side some exhibitors must think that an overweight Deerhound has substance or muscle. Some lovely Deerhounds were presented with very obvious trimmed underlines, it is not necessary nor does the standard ask for it. Tidying a Deerhound or removing long fine hair from their ears is acceptable, but to see where scissors were used is not required in a breed like the Deerhound. Having said that most exhibits had a natural, ragged appearance. And as usual the bitches were of much better quality, why is this so? My class winners all showed very good potential, so I am very curious how they will do in the future. What a pleasure were my CC and Res. CC winners to watch. Especially as they were shown on a loose lead in the right speed – dog and exhibitor formed a symbiosis. Thank You!

PD (3) To start with puppies is for me always a joy, as the tight and ever so serious situation for the handler/owner and the judge begins with individuals full of joy and fun. So it was today. 1 Cartmell Cusidh Righ Innse Gall. A puppy full of energy, with a lovely head super outlines and showing a lot of promise. Not only has he a superb harsh, crisp and dark coat, but he also shows already the typical Deerhound gait. 2 Llewellyns’ Matahari Menjangen. A puppy of lovely type, well proportioned and he has a lovely head. At the moment his feet are not his fortune. 3 Milne’s Gentiehun Double Oh Seven. A puppy which is definitely enjoying life! He needs a bit more time to mature and settle. But he is still a puppy!

PD (3) 1 Wilson’s Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury very well balanced junior with a lovely head and very promising lines. He is only a bit on the small side for a male at the moment. Very well angulated front and rear with lovely low hocks. Well presented and handled. 2 Adams Ardneish Lohengrin. Young male with pleasing lines. Beautiful head and expression, good size and substance. While he was moving, he did not cover a lot of ground. 3 De Bola’s Regalflight Mithras. Nice junior with a nice head and correct proportions. At the moment he carries too much weight, which doesn’t help to strengthen his pasterns.

YD (6, 3) 1 Francis & Blatchford’s Cloweswood Acer of Peopleton. Young male of lovely type. Long lines and good bone & substance. Lovely head and expression. Long neck and very good top-line. Excellent coat, moved well. Well presented. 2 Spring-Arnold’s Sorisdale MacManus Nice young male who needs a lot of time to mature, which might be the reason why he looks rather short in body at the moment. Very nice head and ears. Long neck, good front angulations and very well angulated behind. 3 Murray’s & McGovern’s Pewtergrey Hopsack nice youngster who obviously enjoyed his day. Very good coat and feet. Moving he is a bit too close behind at the moment.

SpBeg D (6, 1) 1 Hawkins’ Kwaricott Asclepius. A very well constructed and balanced young male. Absolutely correct lines, very attractive head with dark eyes and very typical ears. Very nice top-line, very well angulated behind. Correct coat. Moves active and true, very well handled. 2 McLoughlin’s Graizelund Rock and Roll of Glenhaigh another balanced young male. Well built, beautiful head and expression. Very nice typical coat. Moves well but not so sound in front. 3 Seymour-Jackson’s Ghiltan Hero mature young male, who could be a bit longer in body. Very nice head and expression. A dog with an exceptionally good coat.

PGD(9, 1) 1 Taylor’s Kilbourne James Dean. A very well presented and shown young male. Correct proportions and angulations. Lovely head and expression, long strong neck. Very good top and underline and his body is well developed for his age. Very good coat and super feet. He has a very nice side movement but is a bit unsettled in front. 2 Adams’ Cscarf O`Cockaigne very shapely and substantial male. Very mature for his age. Interesting head with very nice ears. Very nice lines all over and a good mover. 3 Piggott’s Greyzicon Blythe Spirit. Tall young male with many points to like. Lovely head and expression, super coat, very nice side movement rather weak in pastern.

LD (12, 2) 1 Girling’s Pyefleet Qwilliam. A strong built very typical male. Looking at him you see all the points which enable a Deerhound to do the job the breed was once upon a time bred for. A typical head with strong jaws and dentition.The eye-colour could be darker. A muscular neck and very good front and rear construction. He is in very fit condition, very well trained muscle enabling him to do the job. Very strong feet, a coat the standard is asking for. Moving ever so sound also coming and going. Res.CC 2 Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Aconcagua a bit lighter built and also not as long in body as 1. This male is just a lighter type with a lot of quality. Very balanced body standing on very good feet. Lovely head and expression, correct lines and super coat. Moves very well. 3 Gilhooly’s & Morrissey’s Lord Seafield of Hartvalley very sound and well constructed male with lovely lines. Moved very well.

OD (8, 2) 1 Rhodes & Morton’s CH Gentom Peacemaker. What a beautiful well constructed hound! Very nice head, correct ears, super face-furnishing, strong neck flowing into a well laid back shoulder. Super top-line which he holds also on the move. And the arch is at the right point. Very well angulated in front and rear, and because of that he moves so sound and true that you cannot ignore him. And with his handler he shows his lightness on the move ever so well, and then you immediately think – this is a true ambassador of the breed! No doubt one of the very best males I have seen within the last twenty-five years and handled and presented ever so well. CC & BOB. 2 Peach’s Ch Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne another well constructed male. Lovely type with good substance. Very nice head, very shapely and sound. Super coat and a lovely mover. 3 Helps’ Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood. Tall and strong male. More moderate angulated. Very strong head with dark eyes. Correct coat. Moved very sound.

Sp Coursing D (7,2) 1 Girling's Pyefleet Qwilliam. 2 Helps’ Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood. 3 Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Aconcagua.

Sp Vet D/B (7,3) 1 Lucas & Dargonne’s Sorisdale Mackechnie for Packway the youngest of the “Oldies”. Very well presented in very good shape. A lighter type, they are much fitter when they have reached the more mature age. She is handled and presented in very good conditions. Moves still ever so well, no doubt she could compete in younger classes. 2 Kermack’s Beardswood Lustre. Very well constructed and presented lady in her best years. Looks a bit as if she does enjoy her food too much. But she still shows her lovely lines and her very nice head with grace and dignity. 3 Seymour-Jackson’s Ghiltan Larch a bitch I have always liked. Shown in good condition and still showing off her lovely head with that beautiful expression.

PB (4) 1 Helps' Rosslyn Pippa what a lovely puppy! So promising, - she has already a very beautiful head with all the details the standard is asking for. Very nice lines, very well angulated in front and rear and very good feet. The coat structure is already almost perfect. Shown and presented ever so well. 2 Drs Cartmell Cusidh Perchance to Dream. Another lovely puppy with a very nice strong body. She is also a great mover already with a superb coat and presented for her age ever so well. Her ears are not her fortune. 3 James' Kandex Moonlight Serenade Lovely puppy with a strong head and a very nice body, very nice feet. A puppy with a lot to like about her.

JB (10, 4) 1 Peach’s Brackenland Waltz. Very well built young bitch which shows very promising quality. Very typical head only her rather light eyes spoil her expression. Very nice neck flowing into a correct top-line. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent feet and coat. Very nice mover – ever so sound especially coming and going, handled very well. 2 Platt’s Charbonell Fliss. Well balanced young lady with very nice lines. Lovely head with dark eyes, but she should learn to hold her ears better. Very nice mover and handled also very well. 3 Stuart’s Regalflight Blizzard at Ollandsheart. Very well constructed young bitch. Very good length in body, very nice top and underline. A bit weak in her right front.

YB (9,4) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Teine. A very balanced young bitch, rather young but showing already so much promise. Very nice head, long neck and lovely top line. Front and rear angulations are very balanced. Very well developed body and super feet. Very good coat. Handled and shown very well so that she could show her very nice and sound movement. 2 McLaughlin’s Kingrock Chieftain’s Choice at Glenhaigh. Also a very nice example for the breed. Very close decision to 1. A lovely bitch with very nice outlines. Moved also very well but her front feet could be a bit more tight. 3 Hird's Cloweswood Scilla. Well built bitch with a lovely head and expression. Shown in good condition, very good harsh coat. Moved very well.

Sp Beginners Bitch (2,1) 1 Aston’s Gwennol Hardd of Balgaled. Well presented bitch with a well developed but short body. Nice head with dark eyes. Very good coat quality. Very nice rear movement.

PGB (21,3) 1 MacBean’s Killoeter Morven. What a correct Deerhound! She is the type I like to see. Beautiful head and expression, lovely neat ears. Strong long neck flowing into an excellent top-line. Very broad croup. Balanced angulations front and rear. Very good feet, not toeing in nor out. Excellent coat structure. She only lost on the move. The movement was a bit restrained as if she did not feel comfortable; the only reason why she did not go any further. No doubt will she do much better on another day. 2 Bailey’s Kilbourne Jenifer Jupiter to Greyflax. A very attractive young lady. Very nice head and expression. Good neck and very nice and correct top-line. Very well angulated behind. Very nice coat. Shown and presented very well. 3 PhillipsB4 Ghiltan Harvest for Ladygrove. Very shapely and sound bitch with a super coat. A bit flat over the loin and rather too much trimmed underline. Also well handled.

LB (13,3) 1 Peach’s Witch Way to Kilbourne. Very well proportioned and sound bitch. Beautiful head and expression. Strong neck and top-line. Very well angulated front and rear. Well developed body with a typical coat. Moved very sound and free, handled very well. RCC. 2 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Melody. Another beautiful bitch with very nice outlines. Very nice head and expression with dark eyes and well set ears. Well angulated front and rear. Just a bit straight in pastern. Moved very well. 3 Reynolds Wickwar White Lace. Lovely type, just a bit shorter in body and more moderately angulated. Shown and presented in very good condition.

OB 1 Girling’s Ch Pyefleet Rokesby. A beautiful and very well constructed bitch. Very typical attractive head, with dark eyes and well set and carried ears. Long strong neck, very correct top and underline. Very well angulated front and rear. Tight and well knuckled feet. Correct harsh and ragged coat. Shown in top fit condition, and her handler knows the right speed. This combined with her sound, easy, true and effortless movement, let her win the class and the CC. 2 ParsonsB4& McKinnon’s Ch Claonaiglen Orrin. A very attractive and well presented bitch. Very nice outlines, very well angulated front and rear. Lovely head with dark eyes and small ears. Moved very well and sound. Very well handled. 3 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Very attractive and well presented bitch. Beautiful head and expression. Very good coat but too obviously trimmed underline. Moved correct but looked rather tired, maybe she did not approve of the weather.

Sp Coursing B 1 Lucas & Dargonne’s Sorisdale Mackechnie for Packway. 2 Gilhooly`s Freyja at Nobys Very balanced young bitch with very nice outlines. Lovely head with dark eyes. Well angulated front and rear. Very nice feet. Moved very well. 3 Kermack’s Beardswood Lustre.

Björn Fritz


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